Thursday, November 29, 2012

A reminder to myself.

bismillah ;

come and come reach to my random post.

it's true that looks can be deceiving. you can't judge a book by it's cover. but i oso tod that innocent-looking people or people who are always judged positively, are reallyy nice or OKAY, problem-free-sorta people, but i was definitely wrong. not all are like that but only a few, and they are hard to find.

from my experience, it's the people who are often judged negatively, are the nicest and most thoughtful people. that's why we must choose our friends, bestfriends and partners carefully.

but then again, it's not fun to play safe all the time. it's always good to experience some hardship. tak gitu kengkawan?

saya selalu termarah dia dengan tak sengaja, 
lepastu termenyesal sorang sorang,
jahatkah saya? 

best enemy. best friend. and she's not my friend. (haha!)
sampai mati pun bukan. 

phewww phewww.

Thursday, November 22, 2012


bismillah ;

gambar yang disertakan menunjukkan bayi yang baru sahaja lahir berserta kantung air ketuban yang masih dalam keadaan baik. gambar ini berbicara supaya kita semua berfikir bagaimana Allah s.w.t menjadikan lendiran itu sebagai wakil (asbab-pelindung) kepada seorang bayi tatkala ia berada dalam kandungan ibunya, di saat dia tidak punya siapa-siapa melainkan Allah.

seorang ulama pernah mnyebut : Tawakkal seorang bayi sangat tinggi melangit dibandingkan Tawakkal kita kepada Allah. bayi tidak mampu berbuat apa-apa, untuk dibuang, digugurkan, dibunuh dsb. tapi Allah Maha Pelindung. sekiranya berkehendak sebaliknya, maka dihantar malaikat penjaganya.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

will you...

there's a place that i can show you
it's not beautiful there and few have ever seen
if i take you there now
will you run away and disappear?
or you will stop and stare
even if it hurts for you to see
even i try to push you out
will you return?
and remind me of who i really am when i'm with you
please remind me who i really am

i'm not a picture perfect

who i was..
and who i should be..
will you love me.. even with my dark side?

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