Saturday, July 21, 2012

dear brother

secara automatik air jernih mengalir laju bila dikhabarkan, 
orang yang kita sayang mengalirkan air mata...

-perkhabaran dari jauh-

Friday, July 20, 2012

the fact is :

"aku adalah perempuan yang membosankan di realiti ...."

-tak banyak senyum
-tak banyak cakap
-tak banyak ketawa
-tak peramah
-suara tak kuat , laung pun tak jelas kedengaran
-tanya sepatah , jawab sepatah
-banyak bersendiri
-takde topik nak cakap depan orang
-tak tegas

pendek kata membosankanlah

Tahniah jika anda tidak mempunyai sifat-sifat saya di atas.
ni sifat-sifat loser.

Why is it so hard to forget something hurtful? Because Allah wants us to learn from it and make us utterly stronger. Finally I feel so relieved. 

pic lama , wekkk.


Sunday, July 8, 2012

dear God

 the only thing i asked of You is to hold her 
when i'm not around when i'm much too far away....




Saturday, July 7, 2012

oh Allah...

I told you: I'm in pain
You said: 'Do not despair of the mercy of Allaah' (39:53)

I told you: Nobody knows what is in my heart
You said: 'Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest' (13:28)

I told you: Many people hurt me
You said: 'So pardon them and ask forgiveness for them' (3:159)

I told you: I feel I'm alone
You said: 'We are closer to him than [his] jugular vein' (50:16)

I told you: My sins are so many
You said: 'And who can forgive sins except Allah?' (3:135)

I told you: Do not leave me
You said: 'So remember Me; I will remember you...' (2:152)

I told you: I'm facing a lot of difficulties in life
You said: 'And whoever fears Allah ? He will make for him a way out' (65:2)

I told you: I have many dreams that I want to come true
You said: 'Call upon Me; I will respond to you.' (40:60)

pls share if you care

for tomorrow

adakah aku layak?

Friday, July 6, 2012

hektik lagi

bismillah , harini COD barang saja, pastu pegi ofis jap, dapat la upah iron baju kat Butik Dshaas semalam, hukhik ;p

tengok mesej tu, dulu dulu, bagi Aimi anset tak penting sangat, sekarang berpisah setengah jam pun tak senang duduk, nak cas anset yang bateri habis pun tak sanggup, hehe. sebab tinggalkan anset la pernah customer merajuk. Sekarang ni bila adik, abang dengar anset Aimi berbunyi dorang akan cakap ;

"tu tu panggilan rezeki tuhh"

pikir-pikir COD supplement penjagaan kesihatan dan kulit dekat orang lain dalam keadaan demam, nak jaga orang tapi diri sendiri tak terjaga, acano tu?


Selasa ni Aimi balik Jitra dah so Aimi akan sediakan stok 2 tempat, Jitra dan rumah Aimi sendiri kat P.Pinang ni ha.. urus niaga kat kawasan Permatang Pauh, adik-adik Aimi bole tolong. barang ni cepat sangat habis, hektik lagi tapi seronok dengan hasil yang Aimi dapat.

eh lupa nak gitau ni blogshop Aimi ;



sabda Rasulullah S.A.W :

Maksudnya :
 "Sembilan persepuluh sumber rezeki boleh diperolehi melalui perniagaan". 
(Riwayat Termizi)

beautiful verse from the beautiful Quran

 I felt that I wanted to share this powerful verse from the Quran :))

Say, If the ocean were to be ink for (writing) the Words of my Lord, the ocean would have been consumed before the Words of my Lord are exhausted, even though we were to bring another (ocean) like it in addition.. 

-Al-Kahf : 109

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

KING in her heart

bila seorang wanita mencintai Allah, 
Allah akan hantarkan lelaki yang terbaik untuk menjaganya..  

benarkah begitu?


The Kliker : Wedding & Portrait Photography


Sunday, July 1, 2012

chapter five

it’s goin to be realy tough.
-chapter five begin-

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