Thursday, January 22, 2009

merentas desa.23/1/2009

letih la lari tadi.
hoh. buat penat jer.
dpt number 81. ahaha.
sweet moment la tu.
kalu tak, dah boleh dpat medal.
saje je tanak tunjuk bakat.
malu lah.

song for gaza

WE WILL NOT GO DOWN (Song for Gaza) (Composed by Michael Heart) Copyright 2009

A blinding flash of white light Lit up the sky over Gaza tonight People running for cover Not knowing whether they’re dead or alive They came with their tanks and their planes With ravaging fiery flames And nothing remains Just a voice rising up in the smoky haze We will not go down In the night, without a fight You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools But our spirit will never die We will not go down In Gaza tonight Women and children alike Murdered and massacred night after night While the so-called leaders of countries afar Debated on who’s wrong or right But their powerless words were in vain And the bombs fell down like acid rain But through the tears and the blood and the pain You can still hear that voice through the smoky haze We will not go down In the night, without a fight You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools But our spirit will never die We will not go down In Gaza tonight

i've learned.

i've learned that people will forget what you said,
people will forget what you did,
but people will never forget how you made them feel.

form 5 kah aku?

ntah la.
tahun nie dah SPM.
baru kelmarin aku ukur ketinggian dengan sorg budak form 1.
Amat menyedihkan. Dia lebih tinggi dariku..;(
haha..mase tu dekat surau aspuri.
Seperti Syuhaidah, biarlah tahun ni, tahun last persekolahan.
if can, tanak amik stpm. cukup lah 14 tahun bersekolah.
penat yer?

setiap hari, kadang-kadang terbit persoalan.
-adakah aku salah seorang senior di sekolah ini? (sumpah macam tak pecaye jee)
apakah agaknya masa depanku?
sambil berjalan menuju makmal fizik.
aku seperti melayang mencari jawapan kepada persoalan itu.

dibuai perasaan sedih.
maybe, lepas ni dah takkan merasa alam persekolahan.
Mungkin nanti apabila aku melalui kawasan persekolahan,
akan terbit kenangan
suka duka bersama teman di sekolah.

eh esok?
merentas desa bagi tahun 2009.
ikutkan hati mmg tak nak take part coz masalah kesihatan.
tp last year kan? tak kira, nak lari jugak..
nak create sweet moment ahaha.

Pertama kalinya..

Alhamdulillah.. Saat ini pertama kalinya saya mula menulis blog..
hehe.. tah pape laa.. Sebelum nie, bace blog kawan-kawan tp
hari nie tergerak nak creat blog sendiri..

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